Searching for a dependable vehicle restoration service in Victoria? We can assist you to remove paint, rust, and other materials from the surfaces of your vehicle utilizing our blasting procedure without doing any damage to the vehicle itself.
We can remove paint from vehicles fast and efficiently without all of the dust produced by conventional dustless blasting, as we use other forms of media blasting that are secure for the technician and anyone near the site.Whether you are restoring a classic car or getting ready to put a new coat of paint on your everyday vehicle, choose Smart Eco Blast!
Blasting Contractors in Melbourne
We are the trusted blasting contractors in Melbourne as we have restored a variety of cars and brought smiles on the face of classic car enthusiasts.It takes a delicate touch to get things done right, and our dustless blasting is perfect for any application that calls for safety and efficiency.
Get in touch with us today and speak to one of our professionals. Call us at 0498444200 for more information.